Honoring Cherokee History

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We feel moved to give back to the original inhabitants of this incredible land.

Our retreat house on the Nantahala River Gorge is only a couple miles from NC-74 also known as the Trail of Tears. The genocide and relocation of millions of native people from this region is a terrible stain on the honor of the history of this land and the European powers who came to conquer it. We tend to feel like we are all renting space here on planet Earth for the short time that we are alive.

As “owners” of 1.4 acres of Cherokee mountainside we feel it’s really important to keep a portion of any profits as a kind of tithe to the Cherokee Nation. As a guest at the retreat house (or a visitor to this website!) you can opt to join us in donating to the Cherokee Nation. We are incredibly grateful to be able to enjoy and share the retreat house and will continue to explore how to increase our efforts to acknowledge the historical wrong and support the solutions at work for indigenous self determination.